Thomas Crown and James Bond on the Malibu Bluffs

While driving from Santa Monica lunch and the farmers market back to Northridge, we stopped in Malibu at the local little league baseball field. Imagine playing little league directly above the Pacific Ocean. What amazing views, but I guess the kids are used to it! We got out to take some pictures and admire the view and then hopped back in the car to head back up the coast.

We saw a man with his dog and son and since this I am a Tybee person and since this is what we do on Tybee- I waved and smiled. Hey- that’s what we do- especially when they have a dog! The man, hesitated for a second then smiled and waved. OMGosh…. I realized it was James Bond himself- Pierce Bronsan! And then when he pulled up behind us in his Range Rover- yep- that was him! He and his family live in Malibu and are quite the Ocean Activitists. Visit his website to see some of the many good works he does in addition to just admiring his still very hanesome James Bond/ Thomas Crown good Irish looks!

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