WOW! Such amazing creativity!

You all are just incredible! Besides all the posts here with names for the coffee blend, my mermaid cottages Facebook page has over 50 suggestions for names! I love all the GREAT suggestions! I’m going to spend some time this weekend going thru all the suggestions, narrow it down to the top 10 ( or maybe 25 because so many are that wonderful) post them on my blog and mermaid cottages Facebook page and try and come up with the winning name. Regarding the label- I love my mermaid logo so much, she’s who I want to use for the label.

Here’s the story about how I found her. When I first began , I knew I wanted to use the words mermaids and cottages because both sounded so happy and beachy to me. The challenge was to find a mermaid that was too “cutesy” but still was very clearly a mermaid. When you Google the word “mermaid” thousands and thousands of choices come up. Literally. I started to scroll thru the choices each day for a couple of hours hoping the right one would be there. I came across a poster created in the 1955 with a version of a mermaid and I knew this was the one. Not only was this my birth year but the mermaid was big and bold. My amazing graphic designer, Louise Coleman and website designer, Beth Thrasher came up with just the right color , fonts and re do of the mermaid to make her an original. This is the long story about why I’m going to use my mermaid logo for the coffee container .

Thanks everyone for the wonderful suggestions! I’ll be back with the choices soon!

WOW! Such amazing creativity! Read More »