Cranberries , pumpkins and gourds!



While on my road trip with mom and while in the Boston area visiting my cousin, I went to a terrific farmer’s market located right on the beach in Hingham, MA. I found the same farmer who brought cranberries last year! It was pouring down the rain and we went to every booth until we found him, he actually told us he was out of cranberries until he saw our looks of sheer despair at the news.
He said- give me a minute- and then went to the back of his truck and comes out with a whole case of cranberries. I don’t know if these were his private stock or if he just didn’t think they were the quality he wanted, but we ended up buying all 12 pounds of cranberries!!!
The gourd lady was just as much fun. This is a picture of her- a little old yankee lady who’s gourds were actually on the vine and had long stem! It was very cool and the gourds on my table Saturday night were from her booth.
The best news – is almost winter up north , while today here on Tybee I’m wearing t shirt and shorts! It’s great to visit the cold weather, but even better to come back home!

Cranberries , pumpkins and gourds! Read More »