5 Spice Blend With Brown Rice

Hello ~ I am Bill Hulsman (www.hulsmanstyle.com). I have been invited as a guest blogger on my dear friend Diane Kaufman’s Mermaid Cottages site. If there is one thing Diane knows when we spend any time together, it’s that she’ll be well fed. This first recipe is simple and you will need it going forward. There are many different ways to vary the basic 5 spice blend but this is the first one that I came up with. It is at it’s core a curry. If you are not crazy for curry you must try this anyway. Curry powder is a generic term. The term curry simply means a blend. Therefore there is no such spice as curry. I am a healthy cook therefore brown rice is favored over white and olive oil instead of butter. Look for my recipe posts on Friday’s going forward.

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5 Spice Blend

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