Mermaid Sighting: Florida Mermaids

Back in November, our own Mermaid Melissa picked up and moved to Florida! She and her husband were exploring their new town a week after moving in and wouldn’t you know it, they spotted a mermaid! And not only one…but three!

Don't you just love the little blocks?!

Melissa said they were wandering around and decided to check out a local art museum. “I didn’t think it would take too long to spot one, since it is Florida, but I wasn’t expecting to spot three within a week of moving!”

These lovely sea creatures were gracing the shelves of the gift shop in The Florida Museum for Women Artists in DeLand. Aren’t they fabulous? So playful and fun! Thank you for sharing Melissa!

We just adore the little details, like the sea horse!

Have you seen a mermaid? Well, we’d love to hear about it! Please send your sightings and stories to You never know, yours could be the next featured sighting, right here on our blog!

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